Servier Connects is built by physicians, for physicians.
We collaborate with GPs and specialists to create relevant materials to address real time challenges faced in your medical practice.
An Interview with Dr William Kristanto
Dialogue is a series of exclusive light hearted interview we have with experts and specialists on various disease states.
Diagnosing Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction (CMD) has always been a challenge for physicians as patients often present symptoms like that of CAD but do not have any objective test readings.
In this episode we have with us Dr William who will discuss how we can accurately diagnose CMD with today's technology and how we can optimize treatments for such patients.

Servier reveals a new visual identity
Since 2015, Servier is committed to a transformation aimed at improving the company’s long-term performance and ensuring the sustainability of its unique governance model for the ultimate benefit of patients. This transformation, with results that are visible to all of its stakeholders, led Servier to change its visual identity with a brand platform that reflects the Group’s renewal.